Ask Artists Episode 2: “I Am” Puppetry (Part 2: Making Puppets) - Crispi Lord
Series: Ask Artists
We are introduced to a few examples of puppets (table-top, hand puppets, and rod puppets) Crispi has in her studio and how each functions slightly differently. Students will learn how to make self-portrait masks in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional puppets, using inexpensive and recycled materials.
Suggested Uses
- Arts Education >  Grade 6 >  Creative/Productive
- Arts Education >  Grade 6 >  CP6.4
- Arts Education >  Grade 6 >  CP6.5
- Arts Education >  Grade 6 >  CP6.6
- Arts Education >  Grade 6 >  Critical/Responsive
- Arts Education >  Grade 6 >  CR6.2
- Arts Education >  Grade 6 >  Cultural/Historical
- Arts Education >  Grade 6 >  CH6.1
- Arts Education >  Grade 6 >  Drama
(Click on the link above to see additional videos recommended for a specific suggested use.)